March 2023 | EOC Update
It was such an honor to play a small part in the 200th National Collegiate Day of Prayer at Asbury University last Thursday, February 23.
I am truly grateful for the many godly men and women who gathered for that special day. I am coming away from my time in Wilmore, KY with a full heart, celebrating a true outpouring of humility, contrition, spiritual hunger, vibrant worship, and deeper and more passionate love for Jesus. May the Lord continue to awaken the hearts of Christians all over the world, and may the Spirit prepare the Church and the nations for the coming of the Lord Jesus!
Isaiah proclaims in his 55th chapter, “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.” The testimony from Asbury is that the Lord is near! May this historic moment not be relegated to another collegiate revival. Rather, may this be the catalytic spark to ignite the Church to seek the Lord for a global awakening.
You can watch my small part on this day where I connected the awakening at Asbury with the global awakening Scripture promises. I hope it blesses you!
It is important to note that last Friday, Asbury shut the doors on public meetings. And by doing so, they put the ball back in the arms of a global church!
Will WE linger after the meeting has ended, just like those 20 hungry and desperate students did on February 8, 2023? Will WE seek the Lord in our churches and gatherings for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, homes, ministries, and cities?
If we do, we might find ourselves caught up into something much greater than we could have imagined. Even now, I can hear the words of the Apostle Peter ringing in my spirit like a holy invitation in faith-filled prayer: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, 'That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy...that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.'"
One of the most beautiful things about the awakening at Asbury is that students encountered the God who sees them, knows them, and loves them. These are the most simple, yet profound truths in the Christian life. And I can think of no passage in the Bible that summarizes them better than Psalm 139.
So I just want to remind you that we are launching our free, 4-week online course on Psalm 139 this March 6. If you have taken it before, you are already registered in the course and can join us again. If you have not taken it, I would encourage you to sign up for free below. I encourage you to invite friends and family to join you. I am praying this journey into the heart of the Father blesses you.
Thank you again for your continued support and prayer. It means the world to us and makes our mission of proclaiming the excellencies of Christ possible.
For His Name,