April 2023 | EOC Update

This last month we’ve had the pleasure of journeying through Psalm 139 with over 1,500 students. If I could summarize the major takeaway from this online course in one sentence, it would be with the following lyric: “The One who knows me best is the One who loves me most,” (Jonathan and Melissa Helser, I Am Your Beloved).

What a beautiful truth. The One who knows us best is the One who loves us most!

It has been humbling hearing so many testimonies from precious brothers and sisters all around the world who have encountered the God who sees us and knows us. Below are just a few! 

God has been so kind to us. I am beyond encouraged hearing these testimonies from Known by God. I am also expectant for what the Lord is going to do in our upcoming course, Intimacy with the Father, launching this April 24. If you have not taken that course before, you can sign up below! 

If you have taken it before, then you are automatically enrolled for the new live webinars. We will be hosting six live webinars from April 24-June 4 each Tuesday at 8pm (EST). Mark your calendars. It will be a special time together.

Thank you again for your continued friendship and financial partnership. It means more than you know!

For His Name,


June 2023 | EOC Update


March 2023 | EOC Update