February 2023 | EOC Update
Hey friend,
I have found over the years that it is often the simplest truths that our hearts are aching to hear the most—even when we don’t know it. We long to hear those we respect say, “Well done!” We long to hear those we are faithfully serving say, “Thank you for all you’re doing!” We long to hear those we love say, “I miss you! How are you doing?”
It is interesting that in the Christian life, we often forget that our souls are the same. We are constantly seeking sustenance from a new teaching, book, or ministry. This desire for fresh “manna” is from the Lord (Ex. 16:4-16), and we are surely called to be faithful students of the whole counsel of God’s Word (Acts 17:11). However, sometimes this constant search clouds our vision. Often what we are needing the most is to return to the simple message of the gospel—to hear that we are seen, known, and loved by our Creator!
Do you know that? God sees you. God knows you. God loves you. All the spaces and places in your heart that are most unfulfilled in this life—places of even deep pain and loneliness—are the space and places where His presence and love fills. You may feel alone, but you are not alone.
God has been reminding me of these simple truths from Psalm 139. Yes, they are simple. But they are powerful, and they are the ones our hearts are aching to hear the most.
If you found your heart encouraged by them, I’d love to invite you to join me this upcoming March 6. We will be doing a 4-week course on Psalm 139 called “Known by God.” Feel free to invite friends and family to join as well. I know it’s going to be a precious time together! You can sign up below for free.
Finally, I want you to know that Rachel and I have been deeply blessed by your prayer and partnership with Excellencies this last year. Our hearts are filled with great gratitude. It is only a small sliver of God’s perspective, but we see you and we love you!
Thank you for everything.
For His Name,