Help disciple this generation.
Excellencies of Christ Founding Partners support free teaching, discipleship resources, and equipping tools through their monthly donation.
Thank you for helping disciple the next generation!
Hi friend,
Because of your partnership, we not only gifted the online course to over 1,500 students, but also over a quarter million people were blessed by our Known by God content on social media! Check out this reel on the truth that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by our Creator (Ps. 139:14). There are hundreds of beautiful testimonies in the comments!
When I started this campaign, I shared my heart for the church and the longing for revival. Thanks to your generosity, discipleship content has been reaching this generation! Excellencies of Christ uses formats of both 12-minute masterclass-style videos and short 1-minute long social media reels to reach this generation.
Beloved, the world is communicating in new and different ways, and these digital discipleship tools are the "Roman Roads" of 2023 that enable the gospel to go forth and transform lives for Jesus.
Thank you for making it possible.
All for Jesus,
A personal message and story from Allen.
Check out this personal story from Allen!
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Matthew 9:37-38
Hi Friend,
I hope you have been strengthened, encouraged, and provoked by our series, “When God Comes Down.” I have been moved by our time reflecting on historic revivals and what God has recently done at Asbury.
Now, I am patiently waiting to see how He will move next.
When He does, we don't want to miss the moment. Beloved, we will need leaders, preachers, and teachers that can train and equip the harvest. All eyes are on Gen Z and the next generation.
Will you sow into our ministry and join us as a Founding Partner? YOU can help us make every course free and get the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
I’ve heard these words before, “Excellencies of Christ changed my life. It impacted me greatly.” I pray God would move it upon your heart to become a Founding Partner.
All for Jesus,
When God whispers, "This is who I am."
Hi Friend,
While there have been a variety of responses to the Asbury Awakening, I am confident in this, I saw God move. I witnessed worshippers confessing their sins to a holy, loving God. I saw extravagant worship as young people were touched with fresh revelation of God’s love for them. God was moving and reminding us that this is what normal Christianity should look like.
Among the crowd was Generation Z, worshippers born in the late 1990s and early 2000s. We talk about this group quite often, but I’m afraid we’re missing their needs. Generation Z may seem the most connected but their reality is far from it. At times, anxiety has been the loudest voice in the room. Depression and despair have become normalized in our culture and many have doubted God’s willingness to speak into their darkness.
As I describe in the video below, we can see in Luke 24 that on the road to Emmaus, when the disciples were most defeated and broken from Jesus’s recent death, Jesus came close and taught them about Himself. In times of revival like we’ve just seen at Asbury, the Spirit takes us on the road to Emmaus again! He walks up behind us in our despair, lethargy, anxiety, and brokenness and He comes and whispers again "this is who I am"
We have work to do, beloved. A fresh wave of renewal has swept through the body and now it’s time to equip, teach, and disciple with a sense of urgency. You can be a part of this work, which allows us to freely provide discipleship resources to this generation.
When God comes down, you are never the same. Would you prayerfully consider joining us as a monthly Founding Partner?
Thank you for being with us.
All for Jesus,
God came down, and our lives can be different.
Hi Friend,
“Four hours turned to 24 hours, and 24 hours turned to over 300 hours. It felt God had truly come down!”
The Hughes Auditorium doors at Asbury eventually closed to outsiders. Worshippers left the building and returned to work and class.
The Asbury Awakening was a beautiful moment to experience, especially for those that were there in person. Last week I shared a video about my time there; in the video below, I share more about this. We rejoice that our God is not limited by time or space because thousands of young people still long for the nearness of the One with the answers to their anxiety, loneliness, and depression.
Today— right now—you can be part of discipling the next generation of Christ followers who desperately want to experience the nearness of God. As a monthly Founding Partner, you proclaim the excellencies of Christ with us. You are in ministry work with us, helping people experience the joy of being known by God.
Let’s tell this hurting generation:
Peace wins against anxiety.
Our adoption into His family triumphs over loneliness.
Hope has a louder voice than depression.
Humility is a more beautiful way..
We adore Him because there is no one or nothing greater.
We are grateful to have you as partners in the gospel. Thank you for considering a monthly Founding Partner donation or special spring gift to disciple a generation
All for Jesus,
Help proclaim the Excellencies of Christ!
Hi Friend,
We should not be surprised by the awakening that happened at Asbury. Reading through Scripture, time after time, we see how God allows His people to experience His radical love and forgiveness!
To a generation churning with anxiety, loneliness, depression, distraction and pain from abuse of religious power, God came close, trading:
Peace for anxiety.
Belonging for loneliness.
Hope for depression.
Humility for abuse of religious power.
Adoration for digital distraction.
When God comes down, we are never the same, eternally marked by glimpsing the excellencies of Christ Jesus. Our mission is to disciple the next generation in the knowledge of God and the person of Jesus, unto lasting transformation through communion with Jesus, and you can do this with us from wherever you are.
“Hello, my name is Ana and I am from Argentina. This course has been a direct response from my heavenly father to questions and prayer requests. I felt extremely comfortable and respected in the way the course was carried and God spoke to me and took a lot of the burden off how he sees me. I knew that God knew me in all aspects, but more than joy that inspired me with fear, because I felt that I was never going to be enough. But knowing that God loves me at every stage of my life and even loves me without being formed changed my perspective one hundred percent and even changed the way I live my days knowing that He is always with me and that I will always to be with him. Thank you to everyone that make this course possible. Blessings! (Sorry If something is bad written I speek in spanish, that's why ☺️)”
-Ana Mariel Avalos
Excellencies of Christ Founding Partners support free teaching, discipleship resources, and equipping tools through their monthly donation.
We’re diligently creating resources that help proclaim the excellencies of Christ. We have a sense of urgency to disciple the next generation of Christ followers.
All for Jesus,
The world is aching. We are seeing loneliness and anxiety push hope further away. We are watching abuse within the church harm God’s people. The solution is for our hearts to know the excellencies of King Jesus, walk in the power of His Spirit, and be faithful in obedience to Him.
God hasn’t changed — and He never will. He deeply desires that we would proclaim the greatest act of His love: Jesus' death and resurrection. After decades of ministry service to the Lord, I can sense His nearness right now. He is truly moving among us, especially as we spread this good news.
Thank you for considering a monthly Founding Partner donation or special spring gift. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you to disciple this generation together.
When God comes down, you can never be the same!
God chooses, throughout church history, these windows—these rare moments— when he comes and testifies that Jesus Christ is Lord of ALL with a special, tangible sense of his nearness. These moments feel as though heaven has cracked open just a bit and “God has come down”. There is an unusual awareness of the presence of the Lord, reminding us that we have a King named Jesus, and of who we are: His beloved sons and daughters.
When God comes down, you can never be the same.
{Don't miss the invitation and video at the bottom of this message!}
In early February, this very thing happened on the Asbury University campus. A student-led public confession of sin led to multiple days of worshipping God and experiencing His radical love and forgiveness. Thousands of people flocked from across the world to experience just a touch of what was being poured out in Wilmore, KY.
As an Asbury Seminary alumnus from the 1990s, this rich heritage of revival was something that I experienced from the first days of setting foot on campus. Some of the faculty that had been part of an extraordinary outpouring in the 1970’s became my mentors. Their contagious faith provoked me and discipled me. These saints were marked for life by love, and everything they did was for the love of Jesus. I share some of these special stories in the video below—I hope you too are provoked and touched.
Friend, after many decades in ministry service to the Lord, what exhilarates me about this outpouring is that I know it has not ended with Asbury. Across the nation, in many places where saints gather, His presence feels nearer. He feels closer. What happened at Asbury can happen in your church, too.
Many, young and old, have been touched in a deep way. But this spiritual hunger requires more than lingering in His presence; it requires engagement, discipleship, and reaching for the deep things of God and the Scripture. Together, we must diligently cultivate the structures to disciple the next generation in the gospel.
I invite you to help disciple this generation.
Excellencies of Christ Founding Partners support free teaching,
discipleship resources, and equipping tools through their monthly donation. Just this month, we offered a free class (made possible by our partners) around the theme of Psalm 139 and being known by God. Beloved—OVER 1500 people signed up! Something beautiful is afoot, and hunger for the knowledge of God is increasing!
We are honored to work with our partners to disciple this generation together. One sows, one plants, one waters, one reaps, and we count all things as loss for the excellence of knowing Him (Phil. 3:7). Thank you for considering a partnership gift today.
All for Jesus,