Public statement concerning allegations of spiritual and sexual abuse against Mike Bickle
October 31, 2023
As many are now aware, there are serious allegations of spiritual and sexual abuse concerning my spiritual father, Mike Bickle. I have been walking closely with one survivor and her husband. She is a dear sister who is precious to my wife Rachel, myself, and our family. We are deeply broken for her. She and her family deserve our utmost care, trust, and discretion.
I have also learned of corroborating allegations from other victims. This has broken my heart to an unimaginable level. Furthermore, I am dismayed that survivors of abuse and those who advocate for them are being labeled as “betrayers.” Such speech shames victims and is an egregious form of spiritual manipulation.
As the former associate director of IHOPKC, I want to speak clearly and firmly: it is imperative that the IHOPKC leadership team investigates these allegations by engaging an independent, third-party organization that specializes in handling allegations of abuse in a church context.
Historically, leadership teams have been unable to effectively lead internal investigation processes (e.g., Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Willow Creek Community Church, Hillsong Church). We have learned too many lessons from other church scandals (e.g., Roman Catholic Church, Southern Baptist Convention) to think that IHOPKC is immune from institutional blind spots.
The burden upon my friends in the IHOPKC leadership is too weighty for such a task. An independent, third-party investigation is the only pathway for a godly and fair process for all parties involved. I have spoken with IHOPKC leadership, and they have assured me this is their intent.
There is only one way forward — a renewed commitment to holiness in the fear of the Lord that demands honesty and accountability. The apostle Peter warned us that judgment begins in the house of the Lord. May the Lord purify our hearts and give the church a season of self-reflection and repentance.
Allen Hood
(Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries)