July 2023 | EOC Update

As I reflect on all the Lord has done over the last few months, it is evident that the Lord has been unfolding something extraordinary on the Treasure Coast. Rachel and I have been here laboring in South Florida since the summer of 2022, but in late December my son, Jonathan, and his wife, Christie, moved here. Since then, we have been praying and strategizing together about what the Lord wants to establish here, and on April 23rd we planted Open Door Church here in Fort Pierce.

There is such sweetness in this community! People have organically begun to meet in each other’s homes, they are leaving services late in order to continue fellowshipping, and there is a corporate desire to love Jesus, see a move of the Spirit, and reach the city with the Gospel. We feel the Lord’s wind at our back; He is doing something here!

Incredible men and women who live here and have moved here are helping establish a local church and a family of ministries — doing missions both locally and internationally — including Joshua and Melissa Spence, who are an integral part of our Excellencies team. Working and growing together as a small church leadership team has been one of the more delightful parts of pioneering this season; our church team is so precious!

While local financial resources limit us, I we have been abundantly blessed by the many amazing, godly men and women who have given their time and their lives to follow the Lord to be a part of what He is doing. However, without your partnership, what we are doing here would not exist.

With your support, we have been able to proclaim the person of Christ, disciple the church in the knowledge of God, and build a community of love for Jesus here on the Treasure Coast. Your friendship, prayer, and financial support are making this possible. Thank you so much. We are doing this together hand-in-hand!


Allen Hood

P.S. You can go to the Open Door House of Prayer Youtube page to watch the sermons I am preaching at Open Door Church each Sunday. I hope they will be a great encouragement to you. We will be using this content to get our message out to the nations!


August 2023 | EOC Update


Public statement concerning allegations of spiritual and sexual abuse against Mike Bickle