Help us build up the local & global church.

Excellencies of Christ Founding Partners support free teaching, discipleship resources, and equipping tools through their monthly donation.

The Lord has been asking me some big questions this year. They have caused me to pause and reflect, and have awakened a passionate dream in my heart!

“Allen, how do you get discipleship resources into the hands of Christians in Thailand and Brazil and Pakistan? How do you impact Christians and Non-Believers in the Western world while also beginning to reach Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus in the nations with the gospel?”

God has made the answer abundantly clear through conversations with my brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world.

“Allen, if we could get these courses for FREE, we could use them in our churches, Bible schools, and mission bases. It would be our curriculum for training and discipleship. They could also be shared with unbelievers and people of different faiths who will not pass through paywalls to receive these resources.”

Through these conservations and much prayer, the Lord has led our ministry to remove the paywall from these resources and GIVE all our courses away for FREE!

We will only fulfill our mission to disciple 1,000,000 Christians, train 10,000 leaders, partner with 1,000 churches, and resource 100 Bible schools in the 10 most-spoken languages on earth by removing financial obstacles to EOC resources. God is asking us to trust Him for the impact He desires in the nations. He is inviting us to think globally and believe Him for the role this ministry will play in building His church.

Thus, I want to let you know about an amazing opportunity. We endeavor to raise $1,000,000 by the end of 2024 to make all our courses FREE. This will include all the previous courses we have produced (Intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and all future discipleship courses on the Bible and the knowledge of God.

As part of our first step in raising this money, we are trusting God for $250,000 by the end of 2023. This will fund our Excellencies team and operations in 2024, permanently release Intimacy with the Holy Spirit for free, launch an Excellencies of Christ podcast, and fund the filming and production of new free courses in 2024.

This is the first phase of three phases that will enable us to make all our courses FREE. Please consider making a generous end-of-year donation to release these resources to the growing church around the world. Your $30 monthly donation is powerful—it can fund discipling 12 students a year in the knowledge of Jesus Christ!

You may be inspired to do more and become a Founding Excellencies Partner with a donation of $300+ a month to empower the discipleship of 120 people — the same number of Christians that gathered in the Upper Room when God’s Spirit was poured out and Jesus’ church was never the same (Acts 2).

I hope your heart is stirred by this new vision the Lord has placed on our heart. I am so grateful for your continued friendship, prayer, and financial support. We are doing this work hand in hand. I know that in due time, we will reap a great harvest together (Gal. 6:9).

  • After thirty years of ministry, in more than one way, the Lord has brought us back to where we first began. When Rachel and I left Kansas City in 2018, we would have never guessed that the Lord would guide us back to Florida — the state where we were born and raised, fell in love and got married, and first did pastoral ministry together.

    Now, in 2023, we are planting a church with our sons, watching our first grandchild grow up, and are feeling a renewed passion to proclaim the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is strange how life comes full circle sometimes, and yet for the Lord, this was His plan the whole time. 

    When I reflect on the last three decades in ministry, I sense God’s heart related to an important need in the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is wanting Kingdom movements to be birthed from spiritually and emotionally healthy leaders, families, churches, and communities.

    This is not an option; it is the way of the Kingdom.

    On His last night before the cross, Jesus washed the feet of His followers and called them to do the same. I feel strongly that the Spirit is wooing us out of the previous season of celebrity Christianity to embrace the meek and lowly apostolic model of Jesus who, as the Head of all things, lays down His life for God’s people. 

    For us at Excellencies of Christ Ministries, this changes everything — the way we approach discipleship and partner with Jesus in building His church. As our global footprint grows and our resources start to influence the broader Body of Christ, the local work we are planting must be deeply entrenched in authentic Christian living that builds the local expression as a family affair from the hearts of mothers and fathers. 

    Thank you for your continued partnership in this ministry. We could not do this without your friendship, support, and generosity. You are family to us! 

    For His Name, 

    Allen Hood

    P.S. Be on the lookout. I can’t wait to share an important update with you all. When I say that this kingdom-family value system “changes everything,” I mean it.

  • The Lord has been asking me some big questions this year. They have caused me to pause and reflect, and have awakened a passionate dream in my heart!

    “Allen, how do you get discipleship resources into the hands of Christians in Thailand and Brazil and Pakistan? How do you impact Christians and Non-Believers in the Western world while also beginning to reach Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus in the nations with the gospel?”

    God has made the answer abundantly clear through conversations with my brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world.

    “Allen, if we could get these courses for FREE, we could use them in our churches, Bible schools, and mission bases. It would be our curriculum for training and discipleship. They could also be shared with unbelievers and people of different faiths who will not pass through paywalls to receive these resources.”

    Through these conservations and much prayer, the Lord has led our ministry to remove the paywall from these resources and GIVE all our courses away for FREE!

    We will only fulfill our mission to disciple 1,000,000 Christians, train 10,000 leaders, partner with 1,000 churches, and resource 100 Bible schools in the 10 most-spoken languages on earth by removing financial obstacles to EOC resources. God is asking us to trust Him for the impact He desires in the nations. He is inviting us to think globally and believe Him for the role this ministry will play in building His church.

    Thus, I want to let you know about an amazing opportunity. We endeavor to raise $1,000,000 by the end of 2024 to make all our courses FREE. This will include all the previous courses we have produced (Intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and all future discipleship courses on the Bible and the knowledge of God.

    As part of our first step in raising this money, we are trusting God for $250,000 by the end of 2023. This will fund our Excellencies team and operations in 2024, permanently release Intimacy with the Holy Spirit for free, launch an Excellencies of Christ podcast, and fund the filming and production of new free courses in 2024.

    This is the first phase of three phases that will enable us to make all our courses FREE. Please consider making a generous end-of-year donation to release these resources to the growing church around the world. Your $30 monthly donation is powerful—it can fund discipling 12 students a year in the knowledge of Jesus Christ!

    You may be inspired to do more and become a Founding Excellencies Partner with a donation of $300+ a month to empower the discipleship of 120 people — the same number of Christians that gathered in the Upper Room when God’s Spirit was poured out and Jesus’ church was never the same (Acts 2).

    I hope your heart is stirred by this new vision the Lord has placed on our heart. I am so grateful for your continued friendship, prayer, and financial support. We are doing this work hand in hand. I know that in due time, we will reap a great harvest together (Gal. 6:9).

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

  • As part of our mission at Excellencies of Christ to release FREE discipleship resources to the church, we are so excited about our new online course that we are gifting to you!

    This November 6, we are releasing Extravagant Love: The Life of Mary of Bethany.

    Watch the course trailer here!

    In this course, we will explore a story of love and devotion that moved Jesus so deeply that He promised it would be told wherever the gospel is preached.

    Sign Up

    We know this course will inspire your heart to embrace a life of extravagant love for Jesus!

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

    P.S. This is why we are so excited about our vision to start releasing courses for FREE. When the Lord enables us to remove the paywalls on these resources, it opens the floodgates for many to be touched by the love of Jesus. Please consider sharing this course with family and friends. We are trusting God for many testimonies of His mercy and grace!

  • We hope you are excited about your access to a free course on the life of Mary of Bethany (launching this December 4!). Receiving those resources hopefully gives you a vision to make more Excellencies courses free. In fact, I hope you can help make that happen TOMORROW on Giving Tuesday!

    Will you join Excellencies to give discipleship resources like the course you received last week away FREE? Look what your generous donation this Giving Tuesday will do:

    Amidst upheaval and worldwide churning, we are determined to press forward and put discipleship resources into the hands of followers of Jesus everywhere who are hungry to learn and be continually anchored on the Rock of Christ Jesus.

    Remember that within the trembling and the trouble, there is ONE Refuge. ONE Rock. ONE place of gladness: the Most High.

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

    Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,

    though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,

    though its waters roar and foam,

    though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah

    There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,

    the holy habitation of the Most High.

    God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;

    God will help her when morning dawns.

    Psalm 46:1-5

    Will you join Excellencies to give discipleship resources away with a generous donation this Giving Tuesday?

    For His Name, 

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

  • I think we can all confidently say that in many arenas, from personal to the body of Christ to geopolitical, none of us were “prepared” for the turmoil of the last few months of 2023.

    I long for simplicity. I long for the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ — the Good News that changes everyone it touches. I long for Jesus and His life to manifest in the church.

    Amidst upheaval and worldwide churning, we are determined to press forward and put discipleship resources into the hands of followers of Jesus everywhere who are hungry to learn and be continually anchored on the Rock of Jesus Christ.

    Remember that within the trembling and the trouble, there is ONE Refuge. ONE Rock. ONE River, whose streams make glad the city of God. As the psalmist says,

    In the work of the ministry that Excellencies of Christ does, we have what we believe are important goals that reflect the assignment the Lord has given us this year and into the next. The riches of the knowledge of Christ — His “excellencies” are an anchor and compass.

    Giving away access to more teaching and resources is absolutely thrilling — and you are part of the impact on each person who is ministered to, strengthened, and encouraged by EOC resources and classes. From wherever you are, our partners are WITH US in ministry.

    As 2023 concludes and you make year-end giving plans, know that your gift of any amount to Excellencies of Christ will be used to disciple many and proclaim the worth and knowledge of Jesus. We are honored by your partnership.

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

  • THANK YOU for engaging and believing with us that courses will be funded so we can give them away and remove the paywall! Your support has encouraged us to keep reaching to make the vision of free courses a reality.

    Thank you for considering Excellencies of Christ in your year-end giving. Your partnership is an act of trust, and we are honored by it. Join to help!

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

    P.S. Take a look at where EOC has been this year and where we are headed in 2024 in our Annual Report. Read Our Exciting 2023 update!

  • I filmed a Christmas devotional with my family for you. Click here to watch the video!

    This Christmas season, the Excellencies of Christ team prays for all of our partners in the ministry, our friends, and our families.

    We pray the Wonder of Jesus will saturate your heart.

    We pray the Counsel of Jesus will guide and guard you.

    We pray the Might of Jesus, our God, moves on your behalf.

    We pray that you will rest in His Everlasting arms.

    And we pray you feel the Prince of Peace surrounding, protecting, and defending you.

    Rachel and I, and the whole team, are so grateful for your friendship and support.

    Blessings and love,

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

  • This year, the Lord continued to stir a dream that has been in my heart: making discipleship resources easily accessible and even FREE in order to reach many with a deeper understanding of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    As we near the end of 2023, we want to continue to invite you to be part of building His church.

    If this vision stirs your heart, will you join us with a year-end donation in these last few days of 2023?

    I am grateful for your continued prayer and support as we do this work together.

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

  • With two days left to donate in 2023, we THANK YOU for your continued partnership and prayer. Excellencies of Christ is a family, and we are all in ministry together!

    I am honored to work with you to give our courses away for FREE! Look how much has been given already!

    Please consider adding your generous year-end gift to build His church, equip believers, and lift up the name of Jesus everywhere!

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

  • In these last hours of 2023, we feel the wind at our backs as we reach toward the goal of raising $250,000 with faith! Your giving is powerful!

    With only a few hours left to give in 2023, will you join us to help release discipleship courses and resources?

    The work we do could not be done without your friendship, support, and generosity. Thank you for your continued support throughout this year.

    May the Lord bless you, and prosper all you love in this coming year. Happy New Year!

    For His Name,

    Allen Hood

    Director, Excellencies of Christ Ministries

Have you ever been in a season when life comes full circle, and suddenly decades of wisdom, trials, pain, and joy integrate and make sense? In 2018 the Lord asked Rachel and I to lay everything down to follow Him away from Kansas City. We had no idea it would lead us back to our home state.

In the 25 years between leaving Florida and returning, I have had the privilege of being a husband to Rachel, a father of three sons, a missionary pioneer in an international prayer movement, a Bible school president, a pastor, and an itinerate preacher. I was some of these things in various seasons, but in this season, I strangely feel as if I am all of these and yet none of them.

My life is like yours—full of tension. I have spoken before stadiums of thousands and discipled a few twenty-somethings in my living room. I have been part of strategy meetings with great men and women of God who dared to finish the Great Commission in their lifetime, and I have stood alongside the hospital bed of the sufferer and held their hand, praying and hoping for a last-minute miracle. Both are beautiful in their own way, and both are holy to the God who governs the nations and cares for the one.

Every minister of the gospel feels this same tension. Jesus will not come until the nations are reached, and yet, all is lost if I lose my own soul, my children do not know Him, and I have not lived the gospel at the point where my feet touch the ground the most. The reality of a remnant from every nation, tribe, and tongue worshiping Jesus is right before us, and yet the Lord is highlighting the necessity to build right where we live on the right foundations.

I am convinced the Holy Spirit is wanting Kingdom movements and global initiatives birthed from spiritually and emotionally healthy leaders, families, churches, and communities. The larger Excellencies of Christ’s global footprint grows, the more the Spirit desires a deeper and more vibrant expression of His life in me and the people I walk with daily. This is not an option; it is the way of the Kingdom. One cannot give away what one has not personally acquired. Thus, the Spirit is convening God’s servants and inviting us to be more than entrepreneurs, vision casters, and strategists. He wants us to be fathers and mothers who father and mother families, ministries, businesses, communities, and kingdom initiatives.

Jesus said, “I only do and say what the Father is doing and saying.” This is a powerful orienting statement concerning the life and ministry of Jesus. Everything He envisioned and built was through the paradigm of the Father. Cosmic redemption was not a mission or vision. It was a family affair. Redemption, for the Father and Son, is the reconciliation of God’s family.

While church structure in the New Testament is debated, Paul’s paradigm of ministry and leadership is not. Paul states, “You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly we behaved toward you believers, encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children,” (1 Thess. 2:10-11). To Corinth he would declare, “For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers,” (1 Cor. 4:15).

The Spirit is wooing us out of the previous season of celebrity Christianity where powerful executives and founders build massive religious empires around the cult of personality. He is calling us to embrace the meek and lowly apostolic model of Jesus who, as the Head of all things, lays down His life for God’s people. He does not leave behind a religious superstructure but a life perfectly lived and poured out for the ones He loved. On His last night before the cross, Jesus washed the feet of His followers and called them to do the same.

Paul follows in the way of Jesus. Apostles are first in position but last in privilege (1 Cor. 12:28; 4:9-13). As fathers, they carry the responsibility of leading the saints into maturity by proclaiming the primacy of Christ and modeling His selfless and sacrificial love. I am convinced Excellencies of Christ Ministries can do no less. As the global footprint grows and our resources and training schools start to influence the broader Body of Christ, the local work must be deeply entrenched in authentic Christian living that builds the local expression as a family affair from the hearts of mothers and fathers who lay down their lives for the next generation of fathers and mothers to take their place. 

In the nations, I will give myself to pioneering Excellencies of Christ Ministries — a global resource ministry committed to making Jesus known and loved. I will function as a teacher, prophetic preacher, and mentor to leaders. At home I will serve as the Lead Pastor of Open Door Church, committed to building our spiritual family and living New Testament Christianity in the Treasure Coast. Hopefully and prayerfully, in both, I will be seen primarily as a father, and in doing so, I will walk in the way of Jesus and Paul and all the genuine apostolic hearts through the ages who dare to resist the empire and build the Kingdom of the Son of the Father’s love (Col. 1:13).

All for Jesus,

Click below to access your FREE course

Extravagant Love:

The Life of Mary of Bethany!

Starting November 6, 2023